Wow. Where to begin?

Zach graduated Kindergarten. No more fun and games, everything will now go down on the permanent record. MIT is watching. :) Zach rubs his (cleanly shaven) chin to indicate his deep ponderings of life's mysteries. Who taught him that?

The NOC has been sold. But have no fear, an alternate site has been aquired. The waning of bachelorhood is upon us. We're off to Seattle and Portland on July 1st, for a mini vacation before I attend OSCON 2003 (Open Source Convention). It's a Linux/Perl geek's version of Dollyland, Graceland, NASCAR, and a Metallica concert rolled into one. How many signatures of Nerd Gods can I gather? Those men of extwaordinary magnitude who penned the tomes I've been slaving over/under for 10 years deserve my gwatitude.

Ping Pong Diplomacy was a blast. I ran lights for yet another group of talented people. Zach went on a field trip with his class. At work, corporate came and went from Omaha. I went to Dallas and came back. Still defining "the vision."

It has been an existential journey over the last 3 months. We've witnessed amazing feats of skill followed by tragedy. Close friends have lost loved ones. Others have departed suddenly. Tears of disbelief. Too much, too unreal. Illusions of control and stability dissolve so quickly. But life pulls, ever forward.