Another mid-life crisis! I bought a motorcycle on eBay! Can you believe that? Should show up here next week. Oooo, baby! -grin- It motivated me to semi-organize my garage for the first time. Ever. The house is 3 years old now. The pile of crap in the middle of my garage was an undisturbed time capsule of the day I moved in until last weekend. I bought shelving and everything. Wow. Must be motorcycle nesting instincts rooted deep in my Y chromosome.

Photographic evidence of my continued thespianism (2002-Camelot and Shelterskelter7) and our roadtrip to Kansas City for Thanksgiving. I think I'm starting to kick the hundreds of photos per hour habit. -grin- We went and saw Beyond Therapy at Baby D productions on Sunday. It was great. Thanks for the invite, Coyle!

Work! We're moving! The reservation center is moving a mile north next February. Yikes. Highlights of work nowadays include diddling with OOPy Perl, SOAP, and .NET (VB.NET and PerlNet). Segueless, I'll now mention that the Justin formerly known as "Intern" has authored a web log [he took it down! boo! -ed] from Taiwan, including many culinary inputs and outputs. Highly recommended reading.

Rant! After pitching in at the Open Door Mission over Thanksgiving, I seriously considered ranting on and on about my observations regarding racial and fiscal profiling, charity abuse and what we should do about it, etc. etc. Thanks to my laziness, you've all been spared. (All 4 of you that read, that is.)

Happy holidays to all!