Our thanks go out to Josh Kleensang Enterprises (modeling, web hosting, and bestiality divisions) for our fab-tastic new jays.net logo! We'd also like to thank Josh for pointing out that Valentine's Day themes get really old by February 15th and induce vomiting once March hits. We feel much better now that we've shed the vestiges of interpersonal cuteness for the safe haven of goofy pictures of friends stealing waterfowl. One last V-Day note, then I'll quit (honest): Don posted From Shelterbelt With Love photos if you're interested.

Hedonism alert!! Andria and I are off to N'awlens, Weezianna for the last week of March! Yee-ha! Jay's full week of zero work since '95. Place your seafood and bead orders now, we'll do our darndest.

Misc nerd: (1) I posted a couple of BRAD's papers he wrote in college in my newly christened Jay's Unpublished Stuff area. They're a fun read. (2) I wrote a spam filter since the current jays.net sendmail admin has been slacking off his crack-down-on-spam duties. I get what I pay for, I guess. (Just kidding, Josh! Nice penguin! -grin-). I had no flippin' idea that there were 55 DNS-based blacklists up and running! You can even scan them to find out what lists any given spammer is on! Wow! Back in my day (1997) MAPS was the only game in town. Now it's a big, crazy spam-blocking party out there! (3) A couple guys from corporate are installing big, wacky terminal servers at work this/next week, and then the boss man is coming down for a visit/update.

Andria and I are going to see Splendora tonight.