March 4, 2000: Saturday in the Park

The official first pager.

Fun With Brad:
Dress up doll!!!

Picture Gallery:
Brad in all his glory.

Phil n' Bill, Derby Hat Man..

Meet the people responsible.

Saturday was a gorgeous day, perfect for the out of doors.

Saturday in the Park

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Lay Down Those
Phat Rythms

Ryan Carver on drums and Derek Sutherland on bass came out to promote the cause with a jam on the Commons lawn.  Several session players helped out.

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Will Durman joins in on vocals with his powerful song 'Tower Distribution List'.  "It was written at a tough time for me," he told the intimate crowd.  Brad digs it.

Damn Hippies and Punks

Goran Stoev and Paco enjoy the show from a safe distance.   Goran played some guitar later on.

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Mosh Pit

A small crowd gathers front and center, barely able to contain their frothing excitement.

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Staff Jam

Brad, Cam, Sean, and Matthew pick up the instruments while the real musicians aren't looking.  You didn't miss anything.

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All For Me

Brad soaks up some sun and basks in the glory of another craptastic event.

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Nice Ace

The wheather was perfect and hoop-diving was enjoyed by all.   Here Brad gives it a go, giant limbs flailing.

Evening Cameos


Brad acts as a guest referee for a match at COSA's WCW night.  He showcased his iron fist, no bull leadership style.

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Fellow GSG presidential candidate Mike Morain challenged Brad to limbo at Choices late Saturday night.

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Not For The Oafish

Brad attempts to get down but in the end he is no match for that squirrelly little Morain.

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Foiled Again

Brad is a good sport and shakes the hand of arch-nemesis Mike Morain.

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